Wednesday, 30 May 2012

Hey guys! So those of you who follow me over on my TWITTER may already know this news, but I’m starting a new two hour weekly show over at week – I will be on from 8pm-10pm every Thursday night – and the show is 100% LIVE so feel free to join me in the chatroom or hit me up on Twitter and we can interact! I will be focussing on club music for this show, so I’ll be playing the best in house, breakbeat, dubstep, drum & bass and everything inbetween (with maybe a little bit of more chilled behaviour in the middle), so why not start your weekend off early with me as your party planner? I’ve also reached a bit of a milestone with my show over at SPIRITPLANTS – This weekend will be my 50th show! To celebrate both this and the fact that the good old Queen Of England is having a 60th jubilee this weekend, I’ve put together a ‘jubilee special’ – which is frankly just an excuse to play a load of great music with tenuous royal themes. I’ll catch you over the airwaves, kids!

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