Monday, 21 September 2009

Bring a fiend...

Hello blog readers!

I trust you all had excellent and epic (or at least muted but relaxing, or productive and satisfying) weekends. My Friday saw me spending far more time at the excellent Black Plastic than I had anticipated, but I had a lovely time and was very glad I did. It did make preparing for recording Podcast Number Two a little more painful (damn you, God of Hangovers), but, well, sometimes you’ve gotta break a few eggs, right? It has to be said, though, there are going to be a LOT of extra hot tunes competing for space on the next one…. Also Sunday brought a Codex Machine studio session beavering away on a downbeat and slightly mashed tune currently entitled Occam’s Laser. Watch this space!

Anyway, in sadder news, the weekend saw the death of X-Ecutioners member and master turntablist Roc Raida in an extremely unfortunate mixed martial arts accident. Here’s a little tribute to his skillz. RIP Raida.

1 comment:

  1. The feeds are working! this came through to LJ.
